Connecting Rare Patients

It is already some time ago, when I started a restart of the "connect-the-patients" issue as a result of our national rare disease day activities. The need is simply to have "rare" patients at time of their diagnosis connected to other patients under the title patient friendly care.
There are many needs from patients perspective for that - think about a patient receiving a terminal diagnosis and left alone with that. While the benefits of contacts with a patient organization seem to be recognized standard e.g. in the area of cancer, the referal of rare disease patients seems not to be standard of care. For many reasons. But many patients would benefit from an immediate connection with other patients right after diagnosis - and at the time of diagnosis there is only one specialist for the field of this rare disease in the room - the doctor. Therefore it is the doctor's job, to initiate this connection, if he claims to do patient friendly care.

One of our ERN Lung's mission features, to promote excellence in care, requires exercise of patient friendly care - and therefore the connection of patients. Especially, if there are no clearly visible patient organizations for that disease (group).

My vision is to create some common statement of PAGs across all ERNs, that we consider connecting of patients a mandatory feature of patient friendly care.

Of course, there is no one-fits-all strategy for the connection of patients. While a simply recommendation of a local patient organization will do the job for common rare diseases, there are more individualized approaches needed for very rare ones. It will not always be easy, but specialists will find a way.

During discussing one of my first drafts I have been asked for evidence, that this is a valid demand - and I was definitely surprised at that moment, because up to that second the validity of that wish was common sense to me.

After thinking twice, the situation was really not that clear anymore. Even phrases from different language areas are not that easy to transcribe. And of course, it is not really my field of competence.

Up to that moment, the wish to "connect" was for me as eligible as the wish, to have doctors "talking with the patients", opposed to care only for their test results. And I could not prove evidence for any of this demands off the cuff.
As almost any newly diagnosed patient would do for his disease, I did ask aunt google for advice and you can find my results below.

What Others said recently

Connecting Patients - often wished before

(Last change: 2021-05-10)